Interview with Willie Stratton

 Posted by at 7:04 pm on July 21, 2021
Jul 212021


  • Artist Name:  Willie Stratton
  • Hometown:  Halifax, Nova Scotia

What project(s) are you currently working on?

Working on a new single right now that I’m really excited for! It’s a more upbeat kinda bluesy honky tonkin’ number

What inspired you to pursue a career in music and when did you know?

I think I always knew. But I think the biggest influence was the cross generational aspect. Hearing old records that still made me feel alive as a young one, and then playing old songs that had the same effect in old people, it’s kind of this space that exists out of time in some ways. Maybe gives you a sense of immortality in a way.

 If you weren’t pursuing a career in music, what would you be doing for a living?

Well I’m also a barber by trade, I like that job good enough! It’s a good gig, you meet lots of people and have good conversations all day

What is your favorite downtime activity?

Oh my, any down time I get I end up working on more music stuff! I like to record friends projects for fun, and other more experimental music here and there. And when the surf is good you can find me out at the beach!

Who is your biggest celebrity crush?

Shania Twain, is that even a question?

Who is your favorite sports team(s)?

McLaren has a pretty good F1 team right now!

What is the last movie that you watched?

Big Eyes by Tim Burton, great movie

What is the last album you listened to?

A compilation by the Fireballs. They’re an excellent, excellent instrumental group.

If you could only listen to one album for the rest of your life, what would it be?

It would have to be Cool Water by Son’s Of The Pioneers (the 1959 version) it is really a work of classical art by my standards. And it has a cool Atlantic Canadian connection which hits home for me.

 What is the greatest country song of all time?

Sanford Clark’s “It’s Nothing To Me” checks all my boxes

What has been your favorite city/town that you’ve visited out on the road?

Nashville really is kind of a holy land for me. But I tell ya there’s some great little towns in Ontario that have been really good to me whenever I’ve passed through. Madoc and Brockville in particular. I like small towns a lot.

What is your favorite meal?

I can’t seem to get enough pizza. Whether it be greasy or gourmet, I love it all!

Who is your dream duet partner?

Wanda Jackson, hands down

 Who would you like to go on tour with?

Jack White if he’d let me!

What is your ultimate career goal(s)?

Playing the Ryman would be a pretty good milestone