Interview: Marshall Dane

 Posted by at 10:07 pm on March 13, 2014
Mar 132014

Marshall Dane

1. Where were you when you first heard yourself on the radio, and what was your reaction?

I was driving through the back roads of my town, Port Credit Ontario, listening to the only country station we get….when all of a sudden..BOOM!!! “Coming up next, our Big Break Songwriting Competition winner…Marshall Dane and his new single “This Rain”!!…. The first four chords played…and then BOOM!! again…cut off by a weather and traffic report….(the manual operation of the CD I sent in, threw off the DJ, cuz it wasn’t in the computer que…But as soon as the report was done..without hesitation, the song started again. By this time, I was pulled over to the side of the road, windows down, with a kid-like smile on my face….I cranked the stereo:)

2. What is the #1 item on your Bucket List?

To break TOP 40 🙂 Then 30,20,10….:)

3. What is something that you are extremely passionate about?

Firstly, I love to make people smile:) (holding doors, saying hello to strangers on the street, performing songs people enjoy hearing) I love to ride my motorcycle. I super enjoy cooking. I studied Martial Arts for many years and have since switched to Yoga. Otherwise, making/performing music is my deepest passion.

4. If you could only listen to one album for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Kenny Rogers 20 Greatest Hits

5. If music wasn’t your career, what would you be doing for a living?

Probably would’ve continued with my financial education, then bailed to go work for some type of creative company…marketing,music,magazine, film..etc.

6. What would your final meal be if you knew it was your last one?

Sheppard’s Pie

7. What is your favorite sports team(s)?

Toronto Maple Leafs? lol I don’t really have favorites per say….I like ‘play-off’ anything…the best of the best….the teams that collectively wanted it the most and play the hardest…Hockey, Baseball, Football, Tennis, Golf, Soccer, Basketball …. playoff seasons are awesome competitions Crosby, Federer, Le Bron James, Troy Polamalu!….may the best team win!!

8. What’s been your favorite city/town to visit?

I took a last minute 2 day trip to NewYork City last year…stayed in a hostel, ate great food, took the bus tour of the city, walked all around town. Loved the place:) Said that, I’ve been to so many great destinations on this beautiful planet…I could name quite a few. Memphis, Christiansted St.Croix, Iqaluit, Banff …

9. What are your thoughts on the state of today’s country music?

It is what it is:) It used to be different…it’s changing like the rest of the planet…Some things are harder to achieve, other things are easier. Bottom line is, there will always be people who, despite the state of the industry, will be trying to make great songs and will make sure it gets delivered to listeners, no matter how little or big the scope is:) I do believe however, that ‘the listeners’…the ‘fans of music’ are starting to realize how much more their ‘sway’ has power over what we hear on more popular formats like Top 40 Radio. It’s getting ever easier for fans to find their music on line….follow artists they may never hear on mainstream radio….I believe that’s going to be an ever more powerful medium in the future…and then change will come again:) (kickstarter campaigns and such are an example of how the fans that really believe, help build the artist.)

10. What’s the best advice you could give to an aspiring artist?

Be honest. Be sincere. You’d better be passionate wholeheartedly to pursue a career in this industry… much of your heart is involved, you must find ways to balance through the business:) Os!